
Freshers week has begun. On the first session we have been asked to briefly review the year two blogs, just a small insight into what to expect in the next few months in this undoubtedly turbulent journey.

As I am in seminar group B, Shona is victim to my first post. Shona seems to have a large interest in international politics and history throughout her entire blog. I am particularly focussing  on her “HCJ – The Dreyfus affair and ‘J’accuse'” blog entry as during History AS Level the Franco Prussian war was an essential element to the curriculum which fascinated me. Shona discusses the vital facts of The Dreyfus Affair while not drowning out the serious message of racial and social issues of the time. I feel that she is the true voice of journalism in this particular post, commenting on major issues having an informative and professional tone. Shona’s writing style is extremely easy to read, making her blog enjoyable for everyone.


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