Is it possible to be a decent person?

Decent is such a vague word, subjective to everyone. I believe it can even be gender specific because a decent man is not necessarily the same as a decent woman and the two genders may not see each other as decent at all.

I’m not going to bore you too much with the ‘everyone is different’ speech but its true and it is impossible to define a whole group of people whether that is a good or a bad definition.

To make it topical, men have started favouring the term ‘lad’. This to them is practically the same as decent, praising themselves as some hero like figures for drinking heavily or pursuing a ‘right sort’ or both. However back to my previous point, ‘lad’ can also be subjective as some men don’t like the term and see it as a rolling eyes moment whenever mentioned. Either way who can judge whether this is decent? God? The Queen? A celebrity?

I just don’t know.

It is exactly the same with idols, what makes someone an idol is entirely subjective. Some people have political idols; others admire members of the community or even celebrities. But does it make you not decent if you favour a celebrity over a more traditional icon?

Personally, I feel that everyone is a decent person in their own unique way and no one should be able to judge that. Maybe sometimes the ugly traits of humanity arise but we all have our off days. If you believe you’re decent I’m more than happy accepting that.

Is it possible to be a decent person?

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