Winol: 24th October 2012

I can’t say that reviews have ever been my favourite thing to write; tasks set out in English to review a film you had no interest in whatsoever somehow did not seem to lift enthusiasm.

Today, however, I am reviewing the Winol broadcast which in complete honesty intimidates me. The very thought of commenting on students’ work concerns me as I know the effort and dedication put into the report.

The overall presentation of the bulletin has a very professional feel and makes me feel as if I’m about to settle down to an evening of South Today at home. At the very beginning, I felt that the intro music had a tendency to slightly drown out the voice of the presenter to the extent where I didn’t quite catch her name. The Chief Reporter and presenter were very well spoken and sounded like experienced journalists who had been in the industry for years. I found the political reports particularly easy to follow throughout the bulletin. All of the reporters are highly commendable. Interviews conducted throughout the programme were of an equally high standard; coherently produced with transitions running very smoothly. I did not feel bombarded with information regarding the scabies item; the detail was useful and concise suitable for television broadcast during dinner time. The sound quality of the hat festival piece wasn’t as high a standard as the other news stories but understandably weather conditions clearly were the biggest issue. A point worth noting was the filming during the football match, when zooming in towards a goal, the camera focused solely on the back of someone’s head distracting the viewer from the goal. However, the sports section of yesterday’s bulletin shows particular promise. Being from a household where sport dominates all of the TVs and computers I am no stranger to the language or format, both of which were top of their game. One minor issue was a questionable quality of the finishing clips of the item at Westminster.

On the whole though, considering Winol is a student production I am thoroughly impressed with the standard of reporting and filming giving a feeling of absolute professionalism. The standard is astounding.

Winol: 24th October 2012

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