Journalism Now: What is news?

I first thought that this would be easy to define and had previously been unquestioned in my mind but when the subject was raised in Journalism Now it was of a puzzling kind for all the journos. It is fact, truth, everything of interest everywhere we go.

News must most importantly be new, from a news peg or an angle. It is about people doing things.

Hard and soft news:

  • Hard news covers the likes of crime, politics, natural disasters etc
  • Soft news has the subject of entertainment, animals etc (page two/three focus)

Editorial reasons for publication

  • Availability? – quotes and pictures are the ‘lifeblood’ of the story, are they available to the reporter/publication?
  • Do people care about the story? Is it relevant to the audience of the publication or broadcaster?
  • How many have been affected by the story?
  • Is it fresh or an exclusive?
  • Dramatic or simple? Is there a clear narrative and recognisable characters?
  • Does the story fit with current obsessions?
  • Is the content acceptable for the audience? Before or after watershed viewing?

Practical reasons for the journalist

  • Is there space for the content?
  • Has a similar story already been covered?
  • Has the story been successfully pitched to the editor? Does it fit with the editor/publication’s political views?


Where does news come from?

  • The wires (agencies) – have their own reporters and subs and produce their own content that TV, radio and the papers can use: news for wholesale
  • Diary stories (scheduled) – court cases, openings, sports fixtures, festivals, conferences
    • These can be useful for follow-ups
    • Check calls – numbers of emergency services (recording)
      • Police: accidents, crime, appeals
      • Fire: fires and rescues, appeals
      • Coastguard: rescues
      • Handouts and press releases – official sources, Press Officers are a starting point but must check facts!
      • Tip offs – user generated content but must be curious and cautionary. Ask questions.
      • Leaks – PROTECT YOUR SOURCES, you must be prepared to risk jail for the protection of your sources. Never reveal.

*Reporters are expected to work off diary and generate their own stories*

Journalism Now: What is news?