WINOL 5th November Wednesday Debrief with Claudia Murg

A good improvement on last year well done.

HEADS: Lively heads, good pics, good to go out and talk to people.

IN STUDIO: Keep it simple – questions, be more at ease.
Prepare yourself and enjoy the conversation more, what is beneficial to the news viewers? Put yourself in the victim’s shoes what would help you. Give them something tangible, justify public interest for showing this news story, say professor not first names, flatter the guests etc, have more control you are the journalist

Brooke: Put source on facts and graphics – credibility. V good for victim interview with Brooke, handled well and flow of piece

Production: Allow time to sort angle, inform guests more

Harvester: great public interest story, well to get mother, great intro, really professional in heads, some shots weren’t great but interview was filmed well, slow down in the PTC

Fire: Some info interested in not in the final cut, why not put protest at the beginning natsot etc? Believe in your shots and your story. Needed more interviews in piece, more facts, go to film with a plan of what people are going to say

Think about putting things into perspective, be honest about where you found your story and find the fresh aspect. See how you can make it news or in some form of exclusivity

Put yourself in the shoes of the viewer for what should be in your edit, filter what is important and what is not

If you’ve got something new to shout about – do it, don’t recycle news, find the new angles

Keep in contact with your sources

Remember your motivation for wanting to be a journalist. If you feel like giving up remember this, keep in your mind the motivation

Water meters: needed a range of answers with a range of interviewees, minor inconvenience doesn’t constitute place in bulletin – need to go for the money, southern water profits have gone down

Consumer choice as a factor
Highlight fact and emotion – what is most important?

Heart package – well voiced, good story, say Italy fact make it useful

OOV: museums, choice of pics looked like a selection of postcards felt so weird, show the museum, does this mean costs are up? Vox pops?

Good stories, good narrative something always at stake.
Always have the end result in mind – think of the viewers and self evaluate
Think about what you have in common with the interviewee


Original stories, original interviews. Thinking about playing to strengths when you’ve got original stuff. Strongest SOT was Harvester mum and dad in heart package

Good mix, good grip of stories, balances of stories and depth – think about the whole picture ie the sport section.

Strategies of in studio chat getting in and out was good practice for production

Grammar of sequencing great but still need a variety of pics, not enough shots

Very good presenting for the first time and coped with interview well – relaxed into it by the end

Loved the walking football but needed more from the people involved – pensioners not the people advertising it. Sport overall was very good

WINOL 5th November Wednesday Debrief with Claudia Murg