WINOL Analysis ‘Flood grants are “stupid” and “short-sighted”‘

In the HEADS

My opening shot grabs the attention of the viewer and there is rich NATSOT. I am very happy with my choice – on location I thought about the best possible opening shot for a package about money. If in doubt, keep the camera rolling and film everything.

This week was my first attempt at filming a walkie talkie PTC and I found it much easier than a static PTC. I felt that my voice was quite confident and the presentation was clear. I agonised over my scripting to check grammar. I need to work on more punch to my news voice and watch BBC PTCs to check style and not have a slightly awkward splint arm.

I really liked the structure of my package in the end after playing around all Tuesday to decide on the VT only to change it all on Wednesday morning. There was a good use of archive footage with a minor style point that we will change on all packages on WINOL from now on – just put the date and not ‘WINOL archive’.

Tony Higham gave a great grab as he usually does although it was unfortunate to have him as a phone interview. I would not have included him if he hadn’t have provided a good quote. There is a new plan in place to have a standard graphic for phone interviews so they all look the same.

I used close, tight shots to build a sequence for the shopkeeper although it would have been better to show his face when introducing him. For Martin, there was a good range of cutaways and a variety of shots from the location to choose from.

Shots to cover Caroline were limited, with an outside interview you need to weigh up the pros and cons. It was a tightly framed, good depth of field and nigh on perfect eyeline interview. She had a good camera presence and a good enough grab in one edit so felt it best to leave her on screen rather than cover her with essentially pointless cutaways.

Sound throughout my package and PTC was good and I mixed it well – I feel like it was one of the best sound edits I have done.

WINOL Analysis ‘Flood grants are “stupid” and “short-sighted”‘