My Wicked Interview


I was keen to get some video content onto the Absolute:ly site as the pictures we were using felt amateurish and we wanted something to really pull in the audience.

I spent a few weeks in contact with the PR company gaining access behind the scenes of the West End musical ‘Wicked’, this allowed me to establish a good relationship with the theatre and consolidate WINOL’s award winning reputation. This contact could be useful for future features students as they are more than willing to work with us again on other projects.

Overall, I was pleased with the output I achieved; planning was such a big factor in the interview’s success. I envisaged my end product so knew exactly what shots I wanted when on location and how I was going to edit the package. I asked a variety of questions ranging from career based ones to the show’s secrets. The use of the SLRs achieved the best image quality possible especially with the location of the wig room – there was bright lights, mirrors and it was white so pictures needed to be clean and crisp. I did find research difficult for this though because there wasn’t any examples on youtube or other magazines to use a template from. If I was to do this again, I would change my questions to purely based around make-up but I was only given a day to prepare and, I needed to relax into it more. However, I feel that Liv had a great camera presence and looked relaxed when being quizzed so it was a very natural style for features.

Unfortunately, cut-aways were not as effective as I could have achieved because of the limits placed by the press officer but I did manage an introduction sequence before the interview.

Editing was a bit of a struggle as this was the first interview I’ve done for WINOL and it was a lengthy package but I achieved the best result I could have in the end.

My Wicked Interview