WINOL 10th November Bulletin Debrief

Have a grip on the story – through filming, editing, writing link, know what you’re saying. We need to be slightly aggressive in the way of telling the story.

The main responsibility of a journalist is to tell the news. Anticipate the package and quotes, play chess and don’t go out blind. What are you going to say?

Website: this week not as many IPs, not as many page views, social media needs a push as always.
The Diversity showcase got the most views – the package connected with the audience, potentially we could’ve made more of this

*New all time WINOL record 5400 Saturday – highest possible achievement*

Tighten up WinchXtra for a women audience – constantly think of how to build our audience. WINOL has not a very well defined audience – nobody’s fault but it is not as honed in on audience as if we were just chasing these stats. Hampshire chronicle focus on the very local and are figures lead

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, social media tighten this up


Very good heads – grabs etc, swelling is good, scripting is fine, sport shouldn’t be a mid shot zoom in on the action

Super tabloid human interest harvester – Toby did well, very emotive, legal difficulties to skirt around

Reaction of fans is the drama of football – invest the equipment and cameras then spam social media

We should have aggressive delivery in the bulletin- get rid of Hello and Welcome to Winchester, go more bang bang bang, get straight to the news

Wordy script for the HATE CRIME package – those facts should be in the package, worked with Ian on the link

The reason for the presenter is to avoid juxtaposition libel – the bookend for the packages, a buffer

BROOKE: Very good, pictures and anonymous interview is great, use the promo beautiful pictures made by someone else, good scripting, be more selective in packaging, tell the story don’t pile in the facts, still a bit broadsheet, art is to summarise, fact in your voice X claims etc – more punch for case study (QUOTE)

Blind sources, anonymous quotes – if in danger of persecution it’s fine. Prima facie defamation

Quotes should be short and have maximum impact, pan for gold to get the strongest quotes

Allowed to round up numbers in news, detail is enemy
Implicit and explicit consent – section 8 etc

Benefit from being cut in half, bit long, great to get him in to the studio, minding guests, total grip on guest know exactly what he’s going to say. Semi scripted – reverse questions in after, pre interview and make three points. Very good 2 way studios, good teaching, good doing
‘Special effect’ presenter again – open questions only

Harvester – good link. Great interview, shorten it still. Fact in PTC

Fire- very good pics, interview technically poor but quote at end, PTC sound wrong and eyeline wrong, straight to action, summarise statements, copy right issues?????

Southern water: sequence etc, involved vox pops like mini case studies, competent package, where is the water meter?

Heart: explicit consent in pics, good pics, good to get interviewee, quotes could be stronger

Pharmacist: good pictures, interviews straight to quote, great story, tell the story more

Sport: good presentation, need something to hold. Lacking in quotes, feature go pro cut between this and a wide shot perfect throw forward

Features: good BACKANO again

No main ingredients missing this time

WAXING FEATURE: Time lapse telling you how to do it, zoom into eyebrows from all different angles

WINOL 10th November Bulletin Debrief