W2 Bulletin Debrief

Prolific but should be half the length, entertain an audience all the way through, flabby at the end, joined up fill to the whole thing, have a thread

In studio presentation was really nice, relationships were good when relaxed

Some real stand out pieces: cooking unbelievably well shot, stylisation, lights, many aspects brilliant, more voiceover? Cooking is personality led

Really good content nice ideas, news features needed changing, great fashion and cooking, nice to take it out of the box

Voices need work! Speak slower and annunciate

Sound is difficult but really needs work

Fashion nicely shot, good crisp light, give info – graphics on prices?
Find a blend to inform audience
Play around with angles, funkier
Shoot a lot to make it snappy, need around four seconds per shot

Sound needs to bleed through
Very professional gallery
Engage with the audience the whole time – develop personalities in the studio, remember the tone
Be selective in story telling, looking for an angle, aggressively tackling it

Sophie’s in studio baking, needed to be more fun and was too long but great idea

Really good overall, tone with a lot of packages is wrong need to think about the audience, need to engage more with people who are watching, involving ourselves too much, needed to see people in Christmas jumpers not us

Music – we needed to hear the music performances and not ask all the same questions

Jacqueline Wilson – very good interview just be careful not to talk too much

Maybe do a features WINOL next year weekly


W2 Bulletin Debrief