WINOL 1st December Bulletin Debrief

It’s been a great semester – especially in features, it’s taken a huge turn as news inherited lots of good work from the previous semester.

Features are genuinely worth watching this year, views are in the hundreds which is great for student work. There’s lots of creativity in the editing, hard work and effort. Great for the magazine world, we’re producing content in volume and to a good standard.

The professionalism of WINOL is outstanding, being compared to the industry by guest editors and interviewees.

Features is very strong but reporters need to be brave enough to lead features with their personality, for example fashion and cooking. We need more gonzo and more fun.

Laura Trant was very impressed with innovation of W2 and all features content.

Caroline Hendry- Confetti Editor in Ireland
Justina Chlad- Technical Director

Features is showing, news is telling – in PTCs we need more movement see Ian Sherwood’s comments on PTC being your trademark/signature

We need to see more from sports, ask to use go pros in the net and be creative.

This semester, we used a few two-ways but we need to look into using the tricaster and avoid faking them up. It needs to be conversational and not look scripted.

Be more adventurous with your filming; features is production led. Think about what you do to make the best TV. Get people doing things.

Wine festival, telling a story and having a quest. Have a gizmo for a feature, point of transformation is the middle

Deconstructed, you see the person making the package, sound person head on? Very fashionable

Wide shot, mid shot, close up – make more of a variety, shots are too long

Put move on interviewee, establish NATSOT with wide shot on the wine expert. Too much music? Hit the stings with a change of shot. Split screen, film work is brilliant, fact captions make more of, watch out for continuity, change music bed, hit the stings with your edit, PTC needs improving

1. Think of the story
2. Stand it up

5 stupid things – Use the sound to punctuate, not a hum in the background, removes all the texture from the different stories, too cute, too angry needs a sophisticated tone, out of sync, Cherelle good presenting, needs a Have I Got News For  You style

Dream date – Decided whats going to be on the screen, drawing before we touched the camera, knew what she was doing, grip, clear vision, graphics missed out, good choice of music, should all have own theme tunes, PTC must be walking, feels in the wrong place

Never ask the viewer a question – amateurish
Fundamental idea is good just needs some work

*An idea was delivered*

Baking – Christmas music is perfect, good commentary over the pictures of baking constantly, varied music


Sell that we are a sister college, great graphic, not a conversation, Tate can’t react

Badgers: Natural sound opening shot, well above any kind of expectation, should be doing that in the industry after a few years, World Cup quarter final, never seen a PTC as thought out, timed, put together scripted like that, amazing, nobody could reasonably expect it from a student, so visually strong throughout, texture of sound, good editing, lots of colour, perfect sequencing for interviews, outstanding, everything you need for tv, it’s a conflict A hit B, good research

Bracken: great, PTC seemed a bit rushed but to get the prison governor was brilliant 

WINOL 1st December Bulletin Debrief